Berg, CA, Wiebe, DJ, Tracy, EL, Kelly, CS, Mello, D, Turner, SL, Butner, J, Mansfield, J, White, P, Murray, M, & Suchy, Y (2019). Changes in parental involvement and type 1 diabetes management across early emerging adulthood. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44 (8), 970-979.
Berg, CA, Wiebe, DJ, Tracy, EL, Kelly, CS, Mello, D, Turner, SL, Butner, J, Mansfield, J, White, P, Murray, M, & Suchy, Y (2019). Changes in parental involvement and type 1 diabetes management across early emerging adulthood. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44 (8), 970-979.

Welcome to the Wiebe Lab!
Relationships, Self-Regulation, & Coping with Chronic Illness across Development

We study how individuals and families maintain good health and cope adaptively with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cancer, and how these processes change across development and sociocultural contexts. Our big questions include:
How do people regulate their emotions, cognitions, and behaviors to maintain good health and cope adaptively with chronic illness?
We use a variety of methods to gain a rich understanding of how individuals and families maintain health and manage chronic illness in their everyday lives: qualitative interviews, video-taped family interactions, daily diaries and experience sampling, longitudinal assessments, multi-method approaches, medical record data, and neighborhood census data.
How do do we optimize relationships with other people (e.g., parents, peers, and health care providers) to cope well?
How do all of these things change across development (e.g., across adolescence)?
How do culture and socioeconomic status shape how individuals and families manage chronic illness across development?